Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Calculation of pfd interference levels to aeronautical mobile telemetry systems from geostationary satellite emissions
 1     Introduction
 2     Development of values
        2.1     Telemetry system characteristics
        2.2     Interference from geostationary satellites
                  2.2.1     Time-gain function of interference
                  2.2.2     C/I analysis
                  2.2.3     Impact on telemetry link design
                  2.2.4     Interference allowances
                  2.2.5     Minimum S versus angle of arrival, α
                  2.2.6     pfd versus angle of arrival
                  2.2.7     Multiple entries
        2.3     Single entry pfd values
Mitigation techniques
 1     Mitigation techniques for telemetry systems in the aeronautical mobile service
        1.1     Frequency avoidance
        1.2     Polarization discrimination
        1.3     Modulation and bandwidth considerations
        1.4     Telemetry airborne transmit antenna diversity
        1.5     Telemetry site diversity
        1.6     Aeronautical telemetry test range geometry
        1.7     Aeronautical telemetry receiver interference cancelling techniques
        1.8     General sharing assessment
 2     Mitigation techniques to facilitate sharing with BSS (DSB) systems
        2.1     BSS (sound) systems
        2.2     Orbit location
        2.3     Modulation and implementation
        2.4     Spectrum spreading
        2.5     Receiver performance
        2.6     Satellite transmit antenna and coverage area
        2.7     Highly-inclined elliptical orbit (HEO) BSS (sound) systems
        2.8     Frequency avoidance
 3     Practical measures to permit inter-service sharing