RECOMMENDATION ITU-R S.1592 - Methodology to assess compliance of non-GSO FSS satellite systems ... ANNEX 1 - Methodology to assess compliance with additional operational limits of the interference generated ... 1 Introduction 2 Input parameters required 2.1 Orbit parameters 2.2 Antenna parameters 2.3 Operational and computational parameters 3 The orbital model 4 Calculation of interference 5 Elements in the simulation 5.1 Non-GSO FSS earth station location 5.2 Tracking strategies 5.3 Traffic 5.4 GSO station locations 5.5 Antenna parameters 5.6 Simulation time and simulation time increment ANNEX 2 - The operational mask approach 1 Introduction 2 A possible starting basis: the validation software 2.1 The validation approach: a worst case far from operational parameters 2.2 Definition of the operational pfd mask 2.3 Algorithm of the operational mask generation 2.4 Traffic integration 3 Conclusion