1     Agreements for establishing the Coordination zone
 2     The Coordination zone
Technical criteria applicable to point-to-multipoint stations  operating in accordance with this agreement
 1     Example values
        1.1     Maximum radiated power:
        1.3     Terms and definitions
        1.4     Formula used for calculating free space propagation losses
 1     Scope
 2     Sharing arrangements
        2.2     Coordination zone
        2.3     Two frequency channelling arrangements
        2.4     Use of 821-824 MHz and 866-869 MHz bands outside of the Coordination zones
 3     Use of frequencies allotted to one country by the other country
 4     Exchange of assignment information
 1     Definitions
        1.1     Administrations
        1.2     Frequencies
        1.3     Frequency classes
                  1.3.1     Frequencies requiring coordination
                  1.3.2     Preferential frequencies
                  1.3.3     Shared frequencies
                  1.3.4     Frequencies for planned radiocommunication networks
                  1.3.5     Frequencies used on the basis of geographical network plans
        1.4     Frequency Register
        1.5     Harmful interference
        1.6     Administration affected
 2     General
 3     Technical provisions
 4     Procedures
        4.1     Frequencies requiring coordination
        4.2     Preferential frequencies
        4.3     Frequencies for planned radiocommunications network
        4.4     Frequencies used on the basis of geographical network plans
        4.5     Evaluation of requests for coordination
        4.6     Evaluation in connection with tests
        4.7     Exchange of Frequency Registers
 5     Report of harmful interference
 6     Revision of the Agreement
 7     Accession to the Agreement
 8     Withdrawal from the Agreement
 9     Status of prior coordination
10     Languages of the Agreement
11     Entry into force of the Agreement
12     Revocation of the Agreement of 24 January 1986
13     Transitory provisions
14     Notification to the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union
Annex 1
Maximum permissible interference field strengths and maximum cross-border ranges of harmful interference for frequencies requiring coordination
 1     Maximum permissible interference field strength values
 2     Cross-border ranges of harmful interference
        2.1     Limitation of harmful interference caused by transmitters
        2.2     Limitation of protection of receivers