Recommendation ITU-T A.7 (08/2024) - Focus groups: Establishment and working procedures
Table of Contents
1 Scope
1bis References
2 Establishment, terms of reference and leadership
     2.1 Establishment
          2.1.1 Establishment by a study group
      Establishment at a study group meeting
      Establishment between study group meetings
          2.1.2 Establishment by TSAG
      Establishment at a TSAG meeting
      Establishment between TSAG meetings
     2.2 Terms of reference
     2.3 Leadership
3 Focus group working procedures
     3.1 Participation
     3.2 Working language
     3.3 Technical contributions
     3.4 Working guidelines
     3.5 Meeting announcements
     3.6 Progress reports
4 Financing of focus groups and their meetings
5 Administrative support
6 Meeting logistics
7 Intellectual property rights
8 Deliverables
     8.1 Form of deliverables
     8.2 Approval of deliverables
     8.3 Transfer of focus group deliverables to the parent group
Appendix I   Guidelines for the efficient transfer of focus group  deliverables to its parent group
     I.1 Scope
     I.2 Streamlining the transfer of deliverables by focus groups and their approval by study groups