ITU-T Rec. D.180 (06/1998) – Occasional provision of circuits for international sound- and television-programme ...
1 General
2 Definitions
    2.1 programme booking centre (PBC)
    2.2 international sound programme centre (ISPC)
    2.3 international television programme centre (ITPC)
    2.4 broadcasting organization
    2.5 Categories of transmissions
    2.6 Categories of circuit
    2.7 Constitution of sound- and television-programme connections
3 Types of sound-programme circuits
4 Ordering of circuits and conditions of acceptance
    4.1 Orders
    4.2 Handling of orders received by Administrations
    4.3 Cancellations
    4.4 Alterations in orders
5 Charging principles
    5.1 Charging for the provision of circuits for international sound- and television-programme...
    5.2 Charging for sound- and television-programme circuits furnished by means of satellite, ...
    5.3 Determination of the chargeable duration
    5.4 Interruptions – allowances
    5.5 Measurement of distances for terrestrial circuits
6 Accounting
    6.1 Collection of charges
    6.2 Remuneration of Administrations
7 Directory for handling orders for international sound- and television-programme circuits