1     Introduction
 2     Quality of Service definitions and terms
        2.1     Entity
        2.2     Interaction Points and Interfaces
        2.3     Service, Service Element and Service Access Point
        2.4     Quality of Service
        2.5     Service Level Agreement (SLA)
        2.6     Relationships between Quality of Service and Network Performance
 3     Abbreviations
 4     Approach to multi-provider environment
 5     Service Level Agreement (SLA)
        5.1     What is a SLA
        5.2     Structure of a SLA
                  5.2.1     Introduction
                  5.2.2     Scope
                  5.2.3     Confidentiality
                  5.2.4     Review process
                  5.2.5     Compensations
                  5.2.6     Signatories
        5.3     QoS agreement
                  5.3.1     Interface description
                  5.3.2     Traffic patterns
                  5.3.3     QoS parameters and objectives
                  5.3.4     Measurements
                  5.3.5     Reaction patterns
 6     Applying Service Level Agreement in a multi-provider environment
        6.1     End-to-End QoS
        6.2     End-to-End SLA
        6.3     A general procedure
Appendix I – Examples of classification parameters