1     Scope 
2     Normative references       
 3     Definitions  
        3.1     White pages service definitions       
        3.2     Unified directory definitions
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Conventions     
        5.1     Text conventions    
        5.2     XML notation conventions 
 6     Directory service model   
 7     Directory information model         
        7.1     Information structure          
        7.2     Geography
        7.3     Business classification        
        7.4     Organizational structure      
        7.5     Subscriber entry    
 8     Service specification        
 9     Common Protocol Specification element  
        9.1     Character set, encoding and repertoire       
        9.2     Matching rules       
        9.3     Language differences         
        9.4     Ordering of entries within a response          
        9.5     Hierarchical groups
        9.6     Number of entries  
        9.7     Entry count
        9.8     Alternative directory attribute values           
        9.9     Weighted directory attribute values 
       9.10     Geographical extensions    
       9.11     Ignore if absent     
       9.12     Paged Results request       
10     The Unified Directory Access Protocol (UDAP) 
       10.1     Service model       
       10.2     Search controls and indications     
       10.3     Predicates
       10.4     Common query conditions
       10.5     Basic service offering        
       10.6     Enhanced service offering  
11     Operational issues           
       11.1     Security 
12     Charging and accounting 
13     Quality of Service           
Annex A – Message codes and notifications    
        A.1     Notification attribute types 
        A.2     Message codes     
Annex B – XML schema for UDAP    
        B.1     Search request      
        B.2     Search result         
        B.3     Attribute Types     
Annex C – Use of Web Service facilities    
        C.1     Use of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)    
Annex D – ASN.1 version of UDAP