Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References   
 3     Definitions   
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation     
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms  
 5     Conventions
 6     Overview of smart metering     
        6.1     Smart grids and smart metering    
        6.2     Technical overview of smart metering        
        6.3     USN-based smart metering services             
 7     Smart metering service scenarios            
        7.1     Scenario I: Regularly scheduled remote meter reading            
        7.2     Scenario II: On-demand remote meter reading         
        7.3     Scenario III: Demand response    
        7.4     Scenario IV: Tariff configuration 
        7.5     Scenario V: Meter reading data aggregation              
 8     Network and USN requirements for smart metering services            
        8.1     Time synchronization     
        8.2     Reliable information delivery        
        8.3     Minimal time delay         
        8.4     Real-time delivery of meter reading data   
        8.5     Bidirectional communication between meters and operators 
        8.6     Security support including the authorization of operator and data confidentiality            
        8.7     Authentication of smart meters    
        8.8     Meter reading data processing      
        8.9     Monitoring and management of smart meters          
 9     USN capabilities for smart metering services        
        9.1     Time synchronization     
        9.2     Reliable transmission      
        9.3     Scalability         
        9.4     Mobility support              
        9.5     Delivery latency               
        9.6     Fault detection and recovery         
        9.7     Security supporting confidentiality, integrity check, authorization and authentication    
        9.8     Connectivity     
        9.9     Unicasting and multicasting          
       9.10     Data aggregation            
       9.11     Distributed processing    
       9.12     Monitoring and management of sensor nodes         