Summary - F.747.14 (06/2024) - Requirements and capability framework of the multimodal fusion system for vision

With the rampant development of big data and artificial intelligence some new modal types data for vision have emerged, such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data, radar data 3D data, etc. Multimodal fusion for vision is one new technology for higher quality human eye presentation or higher performance machine vision tasks. The multimodal fusion system for vision will be popular among the future vision systems. The multimodal fusion system focuses on specific methods of multimodal data fusion.
Recommendation ITU-T F.747.14 specifies the requirements and capability framework to accommodate the existing and newly developed visual facilities for multimodal fusion for vision applications including autonomous vehicles, autonomous robot navigation and weather visibility prediction. This Recommendation defines the related requirements, capability framework and reference use cases for the multimodal fusion system for vision.