Table of Contents - F.760.2 (04/2024) - Guidelines for user interface of first responders in emergency response support systems

1	Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Background
7 Concept of the human factors in emergency response services
7.1 Perception
7.2 Contextualization
7.3 Comprehension
7.4 Projection
7.5 Decision-making
7.6 Collaboration
8 Concept of emergency response support systems
8.1 Multimodal resources
8.2 Functionality of emergency response support systems
8.3 Usability of user interface in emergency response support systems
9 Guidelines of user interfaces in emergency response support systems
9.1 Intuitive and easy to use
9.2 Mobility features
9.3 Clear feedback
9.4 Consistency
9.5 Customizability
9.6 Prioritized information display
9.7 Responsive and fast-loading design
9.8 Quick search and filtering
Appendix I – Use cases of user interface for first responders in emergency response support systems
I.1 Introduction
I.2 User interface of situational awareness for police officers in law enforcement
I.3 User interface of patient identification for paramedics
I.4 User interface of situational awareness for firefighters