Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     Conventions             
 6     Description of the model    
        6.1     Model overview           
        6.2     Network topology       
        6.3     Models of network elements 
        6.4     Interfering stream files             
        6.5     Simulation inputs         
        6.6     Simulation outputs      
 7     IP network impairment-level requirements
        7.1     Service test profiles    
        7.2     Impairment combination standard test cases  
 8     Using the network model   
        8.1     Using an in-line network impairment emulator              
        8.2     Using the simulator to create custom test cases            
        8.3     Hardware emulator considerations      
        8.4     Advanced uses of the network model
Annex A – Description of simulator    
        A.1     Simulator overview    
        A.2     Directory structure     
        A.3     Building the simulator
        A.4     Download phase         
        A.5     Patch phase to apply ITU-T G.1050-2016 patches          
        A.6     Overlay phase – adding new code to the ITU-T G.1050-2016 simulator
        A.7     Build phase    
        A.8     The CORE2LAN model               
        A.9     Simulator input data  
       A.10     Running a simulation case with a convenience script  
       A.11     Simulator output        
       A.12     Plotting results            
       A.13     PCAP file list 
       A.14     Test case file list         
       A.15     Common TCL file        
Annex B – C++ source code of the discrete event simulator    
Annex C – Packet capture files of interfering traffic    
Annex D – Example output plots for a typical test case    
        D.1     Overall Flow Summaries           
        D.2     Legacy plots for unidirectional managed flows (where present)            
        D.3     Unmanaged TCP flow (iPerf) summaries          
Annex E – Summary of simulation output plots    
        E.1     DSL technology             
       E.2      GPON technology        
Annex F – Simulator output    
Annex G – Simulation results summary    
Annex H – Electronic attachment    
Appendix I – TCP considerations    
Appendix II – Hybrid box plots and violin plots    
Appendix III – Simulation of high packet loss rates    