1     Scope
        1.1     Scope of this Recommendation
        1.2     Structure of this Recommendation
 2     References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Performance Management Model
        5.1     Overview
        5.2     Requirements
 6     Managed Object Class Definitions
        6.1     SDH Current Data
        6.2     Regenerator Section Current Data
        6.3     Regenerator Section Current Data Threshold Reset
        6.4     Electrical Source Synchronous Physical Interface Current Data
        6.5     Optical Source Synchronous Physical Interface CurrentData
        6.6     Multiplex Section Current Data
        6.7     Multiplex Section Current Data Threshold Reset
        6.8     Protection Current Data
        6.9     Path Termination Current Data
       6.10     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset
       6.11     Multiplex Section Adaptation Current Data
       6.12     Regenerator Section History Data
       6.13     Electrical Synchronous Physical Interface History Data
       6.14     Optical Synchronous Physical Interface History Data
       6.15     Multiplex Section History Data
       6.16     Protection History Data
       6.17     Path Termination History Data
       6.18     Multiplex Section Adaptation History Data
 7     Package Definitions
        7.1     Consecutive Severely Errored Second Current Data Package
        7.2     Far End Consecutive Severely Errored Second Current Data Package
        7.3     Far End Current Data Package
        7.4     Far End History Data Package
        7.5     History Package
        7.6     Laser Bias Current Data Package
        7.7     Laser Bias Tide Mark Package
        7.8     Laser Temperature Current Data Package
        7.9     Laser Temperature Tide Mark Package
       7.10     Out of Frame Second Current Data Package
       7.11     Out Of Frame Second History Data Package
       7.12     Transmit Power Level Current Data Package
       7.13     Transmit Power Level Tide Mark Package
       7.14     Threshold Reset Package
       7.15     Unavailable Second Current Data Package
       7.16     Unavailable Second History Data Package
       7.17     Unavailable Time Alarm Package
 8     Attributes definitions
        8.1     Consecutive Severely Errored Second Event
        8.2     Errored Second
        8.3     Far End Errored Second
        8.4     Far End Background Block Error
        8.5     Far End Consecutive Severely Errored Second Event
        8.6     Laser Bias
        8.7     Laser Bias Tide Mark Maximum
        8.8     Laser Bias Tide Mark Minimum
        8.9     Laser Temperature
       8.10     Laser Temperature Tide Mark Maximum
       8.11     Laser Temperature Tide Mark Minimum
       8.12     Number of Consecutive Severely Errored Second
       8.13     Background Block Error
       8.14     Out of Frame Second
       8.15     Protection Switch Count
       8.16     Protection Switch Duration
       8.17     Severely Errored Seconds
       8.18     Far End Severely Errored Seconds
       8.19     Transmit Power Level
       8.20     Transmit Power Level Tide Mark Maximum
       8.21     Transmit Power Level Tide Mark Minimum
       8.22     Unavailable Seconds
       8.23     Pointer Justification Count High
       8.24     Pointer Justification Count Low
 9     Actions
10     Notifications
11     Parameters
12     Name binding definitions
       12.1     History Data – SDH Current Data
       12.2     MS Current Data – MS TTP Sink
       12.3     MS Current Data Threshold Reset – MS TTP Sink
       12.4     MS Current Data – Protected TTP Sink
       12.5     MS Current Data Threshold Reset – Protected TTP Sink
       12.6     Protection Current Data – Protection Unit
       12.7     RS Current Data – RS TTP Sink
       12.8     RS Current Data Threshold Reset – RS TTP Sink
       12.9     Path Termination Current Data – VC4 TTP Sink
      12.10     Path Termination Current Data – VC3 TTP Sink
      12.11     Path Termination Current Data – VC2 TTP Sink
      12.12     Path Termination Current Data – VC12 TTP Sink
      12.13     Path Termination Current Data – VC11 TTP Sink
      12.14     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset – VC4 TTP Sink
      12.15     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset - VC3 TTP Sink
      12.16     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset – VC2 TTP Sink
      12.17     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset – VC12 TTP Sink
      12.18     Path Termination Current Data Threshold Reset – VC11 TTP Sink
      12.19     Electrical Source SPI Current Data – Electrical SPITTP Source
      12.20     Optical Source SPI Current Data – Optical SPITTP Source
      12.21     MS Adaptation Current Data – AU4 CTP Source
      12.22     MS Adaptation Current Data – AU3 CTP Source
13     Subordination Rules
14     Pointer Constraints
15     Supporting ASN.1 Productions
Annex A – Inheritance and Naming Diagrams
Annex B – Threshold Reset (TR) Behaviour