1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Transport network resource model
        6.1     Community TEM "transport network enterprise model"
                  6.1.1     Purpose
        6.2     Resources
                  6.2.1     Access group
                  6.2.2     Administrative domain
                  6.2.3     Connection termination point
                  6.2.4     Equipment
                  6.2.5     Layer network domain
                  6.2.6     Link
                  6.2.7     Link connection
                  6.2.8     Link end
                  6.2.9     Node
                 6.2.10     Physical port
                 6.2.11     Subnetwork
                 6.2.12     Subnetwork connection
                 6.2.13     Tandem connection
                 6.2.15     Topological link end
                 6.2.16     Trail
                 6.2.17     Trail termination point
        6.3     Policy
Annex A – Illustration of a tandem connection
Annex B – Examples of use of TEM resources