
Recommendation ITU-T G.9901 specifies the control parameters that determine spectral content, power spectral density (PSD) mask requirements, a set of tools to support the reduction of the transmit PSD, the means to measure this PSD for transmission over power line wiring, as well as the allowable total transmit power into a specified termination impedance. It complements the system architecture, physical layer (PHY) and data link layer (DLL) specifications in Recommendations ITU‑T G.9902 (G.hnem), ITU-T G.9903 (G3-PLC) and ITU-T G.9904 (PRIME).

This Recommendation uses material from Recommendation ITU-T G.9955 including Amendment 1; specifically material from the main body of the text, and Annexes A, B and E.

This edition integrates material from the 2012 version of this Recommendation with its corresponding Amendment 1, plus the following additional modifications:

•            removal of optional FCC-1.a and FCC-1.b bandplans in Annex B.

•            clarifications on the use of frequency notching in Annex B.