1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Definitions  
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Reference models
        5.1     General reference models   
        5.2     Functional reference model
        5.3     Protocol reference model   
 6     Transmission medium interface characteristics       
        6.1     Duplexing method  
        6.2     Power Spectral Density (PSD)       
        6.3     Upstream Power Back-Off (UPBO)          
        6.4     Termination impedance      
        6.5     Return loss
        6.6     Output signal balance         
 7     TPS-TC sublayer general functional characteristics           
        7.1     a/b interface specification  
        7.2     OC TPS-TC application interface (gO, gR) description        
 8     PMS-TC sublayer           
        8.1     PMS-TC functional model 
        8.2     Scrambler  
        8.3     Forward error correction   
        8.4     Interleaving
        8.5     Framing  
 9     PMD sublayer  
        9.1     PMD functional model       
        9.2     PMD functional characteristics       
10     Management    
       10.1     OAM functional model     
       10.2     OAM communication channels      
       10.3     Embedded operations channel (eoc) functions and description       
       10.4     Fault and performance monitoring 
       10.5     OAM parameters and primitives   
       10.6     VDSL Overhead Channel (VOC) 
11     Performance requirements           
       11.1     Error performance requirements    
       11.2     Latency requirements        
       11.3     Impulse noise immunity requirements         
12     Initialization      
       12.1     Handshake – VTU-O       
       12.2     Handshake – VTU-R       
       12.3     Link state and timing diagram        
       12.4     Link activation/deactivation method           
13     Electrical requirements    
       13.1     Service splitters    
14    Testing methodology       
       14.1     VDSL test loop types       
       14.2     Impairment generators      
       14.3     Transmission performance tests     
Annex A – Bandplan A    
Annex B – Bandplan B    
Annex C – Bandplan C    
Annex D – Requirements for Region A (North America)    
        D.1     Physical interface  
        D.2     Testing methodology         
Annex E – Requirements for Region B (Europe)    
        E.1     Physical interface   
        E.2     Testing methodology          
Annex F – Regional requirements for environment coexisting with TCM-ISDN DSL as defined in Appendix III/G.961    
        F.1     Bandplan and PSD masks 
        F.2     Service splitter       
        F.3     Test loops and crosstalk disturbers
Annex G – ATM-TC    
        G.1     Scope    
        G.2     Reference model for ATM transport          
        G.3     Transport of ATM data     
        G.4     ATM Transport Protocol Specific TC (ATM_TC)
Annex H – PTM-TC    
        H.1     Packetized data transport  
        H.2     Transport of PTM data     
        H.3     Interface description          
        H.4     PTM TPS-TC functionality           
Annex I – Specifics of implementation in systems using QAM modulation    
        I.1        Physical Media Specific TC (PMS-TC) sublayer  
        I.2        Physical medium-dependent (PMD) sublayer        
        I.3        Operations and maintenance         
        I.4        Link activation and de-activation  
        I.5        Complementary information on QAM implementation (informative)           
Appendix I – UTOPIA implementation of the ATM-TC interface    
Appendix II International amateur radio bands    
Appendix III – 8.625-kHz tone spacing    
      III.1     Scope     
      III.2     PMD functional characteristics       
      III.3     Transmission Convergence (TC) sublayer   
      III.4     Initialization