Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms             
 5     System reference diagram 
 6     Signals and modulation       
        6.1     Description of signals
        6.2     Modulation   
        6.3     Transmit filter characteristics
 7     Description of messages     
        7.1     CL – Capabilities list   
        7.2     CLR – Capabilities list + request            
        7.3     MR – Mode request  
        7.4     MS – Mode select      
        7.5     MP – Mode proposal
        7.6     ACK(1) – Acknowledgement, type 1    
        7.7     ACK(2) – Acknowledgement, type 2    
        7.8     NAK-EF – Negative Acknowledgement, errored frame
        7.9     NAK-NR – Negative Acknowledgement, not ready        
       7.10     NAK-NS – Negative Acknowledgement, not supported             
       7.11     NAK-CD – Negative Acknowledgement, cleardown    
       7.12     REQ-MS – Request MS message         
       7.13     REQ-MR – Request MR message        
       7.14     REQ-CLR – Request CLR message       
       7.15     REQ-RTX – Retransmission message 
 8     Structure of messages         
        8.1     Format convention    
        8.2     Frame structure          
        8.3     Frame check sequence field  
        8.4     Octet transparency    
        8.5     Inter-frame time fill   
 9     Message coding format       
        9.1     General          
        9.2     Coding format for parameters in the I and S fields        
        9.3     Identification field (I)
        9.4     Standard information field (S)
        9.5     Non-standard information field (NS)  
        9.6     Overall message composition
10     ITU-T G.994.1 transactions
       10.1     Basic transactions     
       10.2     Extended transactions            
       10.3     Message segmentation          
       10.4     State transition diagrams       
       10.5     Retransmission transactions 
11     Start-up/cleardown procedures     
       11.1     Duplex start-up procedures  
       11.2     Half-duplex start-up procedures        
       11.3     Cleardown procedure             
12     Error recovery procedures
13     Management information base (MIB) elements      
       13.1     Configuration parameters     
Annex A – Support for legacy non-ITU-T G.994.1 devices    
Annex B – Operation over multiple wire pairs    
Annex C – An operating mode for use in the same cable as TCM-ISDN    
        C.1     Scope (supplements clause 1)
        C.2     Signals and modulation (pertains to clause 6) 
        C.3     Start-up/cleardown procedures (pertains to clause 11)              
Appendix I – ITU-T G.994.1 sample sessions    
Appendix II – Provider code contact information    
Appendix III – Support for legacy DMT-based devices    
Appendix IV – Procedure for the assignment of additional ITU-T G.994.1 parameters    
       IV.1     Introduction 
       IV.2     Procedure     
Appendix V  Rules for code point table numbering    