Supplement 73 to ITU-T G-series Recommendations  (10/2021) Influencing factors on quality of experience for multiview video (MVV) services
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 MVV service overview
7 MVV QoE key influencing factors
     7.1 Video quality key factors
          7.1.1 Video codec related
          7.1.2 Video resolution
          7.1.3 Video frame rate
          7.1.4 Video bit rate
          7.1.5 Time delay
          7.1.6 Video initial buffer time
          7.1.7 Video stall
          7.1.8 Video mosaic
          7.1.9 Frame skipping
     7.2 Audio quality key factors
          7.2.1 Audio content related
          7.2.2 Audio codec related
          7.2.3 Audio stall
     7.3 Terminal display key factors
          7.3.1 Time-shift
          7.3.2 Playback
          7.3.3 'Wonderful moment'
     7.4 Interacting key factors
          7.4.1 Multiscreen view interaction
          7.4.2 Video gallery interacting
          7.4.3 Free viewpoint interacting