1 Introduction
2 Terminal capabilities
    2.1 Audio capabilities
    2.2 Video capabilities
    2.3 Transfer rate capabilities
    2.4 Data capabilities
    2.5 Terminals on restricted networks: capability
    2.6 Encryption and extension-BAS capabilities
3 Transmission
    3.1 Transmission modes
    3.2 Establishment of compatible modes of operation
4 Frame structure
5 Basic sequences for in-channel procedures
    5.1 Capability exchange sequence A
    5.2 Mode switching sequence B
    5.3 Frame reinstatement sequence C
6 Mode initialization, dynamic mode switching and mode 0 forcing
    6.1 Mode initialization procedure
    6.2 Dynamic mode switching (see Figure 3)
    6.3 Mode 0 forcing procedure
    6.4 Mode mismatch recovery procedure
7 Recovery from fault conditions
    7.1 Unexpected loss of synchronization or frame alignment
    7.2 Recovery from loss of connection(s)
8 Network consideration: call connection, disconnection and call transfer
    8.1 Call connection
    8.2 Terminal disconnection
    8.3 Call transfer
    8.4 Conferencing
    8.5 PCM format conversion
9 Procedure for activation and de-activation of data channels
    9.1 Data equipment not conforming to Recommendation H.200/AV.270
    9.2 Equipment operating with an MLP according to Recommendation H.200/AV.270
    9.3 Simultaneous transmission of low-speed data and MLP
10 Procedures for operation of terminals in restricted networks
    10.1 Network aspects
    10.2 Reference connections
    10.3 Transmission formats
    10.4 Interworking between 56 kbit/s and 64 kbit/s terminals
    10.5 Interworking between H or H terminals in restricted and unrestricted networks
11 Procedure for use of BAS-extension codes
12 Bit occupancy and the sequencing of BAS codes
13 Procedure for dealing with 6B-H interconnection
14 Procedure for use of encryption control signal channel
Annex A – Identification of the end of sequence A
Appendix I – Initialization: Case of videophone to Recommendation H.320, type Xb
Appendix II – Mode-0 forcing: Case of videophone to Recommendation H.320, type Xb
Appendix III – Example of use of message structure
III.1 Example of use of message structure
III.2 Subsequent capability exchange, including MBE capability message
III.3 Mode switch to non-standard mode using MBE command
Appendix IV – Examples of symmetrical and unsymmetrical transmission modes
IV.1 Example of symmetrical transmission mode
IV.2 Example of unsymmetrical transmission mode
Appendix V – Examples relating to data transmissions
V.1 Transfer-rate 1B, audio at 48 kbit/s, no video or video off
V.2 Transfer-rate 1B, audio at 16 kbit/s, no video or video off
V.3 Transfer-rate 1B, audio at 16 kbit/s, video on
V.4 Transfer-rate 2B, audio at 48 kbit/s, video on
V.5 Transfer-rate 2B, audio at 16 kbit/s, video on
Appendix VI – Hierarchical capability BAS codes
Appendix VII – Interpretation of received audio capability BAS codes
Appendix VIII – Examples of legal and illegal capability BAS sequences