Recommendation ITU-T H.741.5 (04/2024) Application event handling: Overall aspects of personalized IPTV services
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined within this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Overview
7 Requirements
     7.1 General requirements
     7.2 Requirements for IPTV service with PS
     7.3 Requirements for IPTV terminal devices
     7.4 Requirements for IPTV service providers
     7.5 Requirements for IPTV architectures
8 IPTV architecture and personalized IPTV service
     8.1 Data collection
     8.2 Data processing
     8.3 Data application
9 Personalized IPTV service lifecycle
Appendix I   Use cases for personalized IPTV service
     I.1 Intelligent EPG
          I.1.1 Personalized EPG templates
          I.1.2 Content-based recommendation
     I.2 Intelligent search
          I.2.1 Personalized search
          I.2.2 Multilingual search
          I.2.3 Fuzzy search
          I.2.4 Hot topics search
          I.2.5 Hot items search
          I.2.6 Label search
     I.3 Enhanced interactions
          I.3.1 Real-time notifications push
          I.3.2 Programme booking
          I.3.3 Bullet-screen
     I.4 Optimized experience
          I.4.1 Multiple window playback
          I.4.2 Cross-screen interaction