1     Scope
2     Abbreviations
 3     Definitions
 4     References
 5     Basic needs for reproduction of sign language and lip-reading
        5.1     Basic characteristics
        5.2     Temporal resolution requirements
                  5.2.1     Finger-spelling
                  5.2.2     General signing
                  5.2.3     Lip-reading
                  5.2.4     Adaptation
                  5.2.5     Analysis of the frame rate requirement
                  5.2.6     Granularity of temporal resolution
        5.3     Spatial resolution requirements
        5.4     Fidelity
        5.5     Delay
        5.6     Synchronism
        5.7     Conclusion on performance requirements
 6     Performance verification
        6.1     Reference material
        6.2     Performance evaluations
 7     Advice to the terminal implementers
 8     Advice to the user
 9     Broadening the scope
Appendix I – Copyright and technical description of H‑series Supplement 1 test material
        I.1    Copyright.
        I.2     Support
        I.3     Details on the video sequence
Included CD-ROM: "Irene" video clip