Preamble to B-ISDN Recommendations
1 Introduction
2 Networking techniques
    2.1 Introduction
    2.2 Network layering
        2.2.1 General
        2.2.2 ATM layer
        2.2.3 Physical Layer
    2.3 Use of virtual channel connections and virtual path connections
        2.3.1 Applications of virtual channel connections
        2.3.2 Applications of the virtual path connections
3 B-ISDN signalling principles
    3.1 Introduction
    3.2 Capabilities required for B-ISDN signalling
        3.2.1 Capabilities to control ATM virtual channel and virtual path connections for information transfer
        3.2.2 Capability to support simple multiparty and multiconnection call
        3.2.3 Others
    3.3 Signalling virtual channels
        3.3.1 Signalling virtual channels at the user access
        3.3.2 Signalling virtual channels in the network
        3.3.3 Meta-signalling at the user access
        3.3.4 Meta-signalling in the network
        3.3.5 Signalling configurations
    3.4 Requirements for signalling procedures
4 Traffic control and resource management
    4.1 Traffic control
        4.1.1 Connection admission control
        4.1.2 Usage parameter control
        4.1.3 Inter-network usage parameter control
        4.1.4 Priority control
        4.1.5 Congestion control
    4.2 Resource management
        4.2.1 Resource management control for virtual channels within a virtual path connection
ANNEX A – Example of a VCC supported by a cell-based, and by an SDH-based, ATM transport network
ANNEX B – Alphabetical list of abbreviations used in this Recommendation