1     Scope
 2     References
        2.1     Normative references
        2.2     Informative
 3     Terms, definitions, abbreviations and conventions
        3.1     Definitions
        3.2     Abbreviations
        3.3     Convention
Annex A – TGCP Profile 1
        A.1     Scope
        A.2     Media Gateway Control Interface (MGCI)
                  A.2.1     Model and naming conventions
                  A.2.2     SDP use
                  A.2.3     Gateway control functions
                  A.2.4     States, failover and race conditions
                  A.2.5     Return codes and error codes
                  A.2.6     Reason codes
        A.3     Media Gateway Control Protocol
                  A.3.1     General description
                  A.3.2     Command header
                  A.3.3     Response header formats
                  A.3.4     Session description encoding
                  A.3.5     Transmission over UDP
                  A.3.6     Piggybacking
                  A.3.7     Transaction identifiers and three-way handshake
                  A.3.8     Provisional responses
        A.4     Security
Annex A.A – Event packages
      A.A.1    ISUP trunk package
Appendix A.I – Mode interactions
Appendix A.II – Example command encodings
                 A.II.1     NotificationRequest
                 A.II.2     Notify
                 A.II.3     CreateConnection
                 A.II.4     ModifyConnection
                 A.II.5     DeleteConnection (from the Media Gateway Controller)
                 A.II.6     DeleteConnection (from the trunking gateway)
                 A.II.7     DeleteConnection (multiple connections from the Media Gateway Controller)
                 A.II.8     AuditEndpoint
                 A.II.9     AuditConnection
                A.II.10     RestartInProgress
Appendix A.III – Example Call Flow
Appendix A.IV – Endpoint requirements
                 A.IV.1     Connection modes supported
Appendix A.V – Compatibility information
                  A.V.1     NCS compatibility
                  A.V.2     MGCP compatibility
Appendix A.VI – Example event packages
                 A.VI.1     MF FGD Operator Services Package
                 A.VI.2     MF Terminating Protocol Package
Appendix A.VII – Bibliography
Annex A.B – TGCP Profile 2