1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere          
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation              
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms              
 5     IPTV reference model, scenarios and requirements    
        5.1     Scenarios for IPTV services       
        5.2     Service requirements  
        5.3     Functional requirements           
 6     Functional architecture         
        6.1     General architectural requirements       
        6.2     Secondary distribution functional architecture  
 7     Relationship to existing secondary distribution networks         
        7.1     Relationship to hybrid fibre/coax networks        
        7.2     Relationship to optical fibre-based access network configurations           
 8     Functional architecture: detailed component descriptions       
        8.1     IPTV application functions        
        8.2     Third party web services and applications           
        8.3     IPTV service functions
        8.4     IPTV content functions              
        8.5     Network functions      
        8.6     OSS functions
        8.7     Customer (IP home network) functions
        8.8     Content sources           
 9     Reference points     
        9.1     Reference points definition      
        9.2     Internetwork operability           
Annex A – Relationship to NGN    