Supplement 14 to ITU-T K-series Recommendations (09/2019) The impact of RF-EMF exposure limits stricter than the ICNIRP or IEEE guidelines on 4G and 5G mobile network deployment
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Supplement
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 International guideline-based EMF exposure limit harmonization worldwide
     6.1 Current status of EMF exposure limits worldwide
     6.2 Impact of the more restrictive RF-EMF exposure limits on existing networks
     6.3 RF-EMF exposure limits below the ICNIRP or IEEE guidelines further restrict upcoming 5G network deployment
          6.3.1 Lever 1: Spectrum cannot be fully deployed
          6.3.2 Lever 2: Technology innovation is restricted
          6.3.3 Lever 3: Possibility to densify site grid is limited
     6.4 Future customer experience will suffer and true 5G is not possible
     6.5 Comparison of measurements of the exposure levels in countries with different limits
     6.5.1 Exposure limits in France and in Poland
     6.5.2 Comparison of the results of measurements
     6.5.3  Consideration of compliance distances in the vicinity of a base station
     6.5.4 Consideration of the measurement method for compliance
7 Conclusion
Appendix I  Modelling methodology and key input assumptions
     I.1 Modelling methodology
     I.2 Key input assumptions used in the model