Recommendation ITU-T L.1471 (08/2023) Guidance and criteria for information and communication technology organizations on setting Net Zero targets and strategies
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Background information
7 Net Zero definition and approaches
8 Criteria to be followed by an ICT sector organization setting a Net Zero target and strategies
9 Reduction of GHG emissions
10 Removals of GHG emissions
11 Avoidance of GHG emissions
Appendix I  IPCC
Appendix II  UN High-level Expert Group on Credibility and Accountability of Net-Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities (HLEG)
Appendix III  ISO IWA42
Appendix IV  UNFCCC Race to Zero
Appendix V  SBTi Net Zero
Appendix VI  UNFCCC Climate Neutral Now initiative
Appendix VII  Net Zero initiative