Recommendation ITU-T L.1640 (02/2024) Methodology for dynamic monitoring and analysis of greenhouse gas emissions in cities
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Method framework for dynamic monitoring and analysis of GHG emissions
7 GHG emission data collection
8 GHG emission data processing
9 GHG emission data fusion
10 GHG emission calculation
11 Attribution analysis of GHG emission data and optimization strategy for sustainable development of city
     11.1 Emission sources analysis and attribution analysis
     11.2 Optimization strategy for sustainable development of city
Appendix I  Example of monitoring city-level CO2 emissions from  ground transportation in China
     I.1 General procedure of the example
     I.2 Example of collecting city-level activity data
     I.3 Example for data process and data fusion
     I.4 Example for estimating daily GHG emissions in near-real-time
Appendix II  Alibaba Cloud's "Carbon Vision" platform showing city near-real-time  GHG emissions (mocked data)