1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Abbreviations   
 4     Definitions  
 5     Conventions     
 6     Summary of objective measurement procedure     
 7     Source speech material preparation          
        7.1     Real voices
        7.2     Artificial voices      
 8     Selection of experimental parameters        
 9     Calculation of objective quality     
        9.1     Global initializations
                  9.1.1     Time alignment      
                  9.1.2     Global scaling       
                  9.1.3     Global calibration  
        9.2     Time-frequency mapping    
                  9.2.1     Windowing           
                  9.2.2     Sampled Spectral Power Density (SPD)   
        9.3     Frequency warping and filtering      
                  9.3.1     Sampled Pitch Power Density       
                  9.3.2     Local scaling         
                  9.3.3     Telephone-band filtering    
                  9.3.4     Hoth noise
        9.4     Intensity warping    
        9.5     Cognitive modelling
                  9.5.1     Loudness scaling   
                  9.5.2     Sampled noise disturbance density
                  9.5.3     Asymmetry processing      
                  9.5.4     Noise disturbance including silent interval processing          
10     Transformation from the objective quality scale to the subjective quality scale       
       10.1     Mean opinion scores         
       10.2     Equivalent-Q values          
11     Analysis of results           
Appendix I – Contents of floppy diskette accompanying Recommendation P.861    
        I.1     Introduction
        I.2     \test directory         
Appendix II – Objective quality measurement of telephone-band (300-3400 Hz) speech codecs using Measuring Normalizing Blocks (MNBs)    
       II.1     Introduction           
       II.2     Computation of the objective measure        
                  II.2.1     Input-output specifications
                  II.2.2     Time delay           
                  II.2.3     Signal preparation
                  II.2.4     Transformation to frequency domain         
                  II.2.5     Frame selection    
                  II.2.6     Perceived loudness approximation
                  II.2.7     Frequency Measuring Normalizing Block (FMNB)           
                  II.2.8     Computing Time Measuring Normalizing Blocks   
                  II.2.9     Linear combination of measurements for MNB structure