1     Scope
 2     References
 3     ITU-T terms and definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Description
        6.1     Establishment of Bearer related connections
        6.2     Establishment of bearer unrelated connections
 7     Operational requirements
 8     Coding requirements
        8.1     Messages
        8.2     Parameters
                  8.2.1     Call diversion treatment indicators parameter
                  8.2.2     Called IN number parameter
                  8.2.3     Call offering treatment indicators parameter
                  8.2.4     Charged party identification parameter
                  8.2.5     Conference treatment indicators parameter
                  8.2.6     Correlation id parameter
                  8.2.7     Display information parameter
                  8.2.8     SCF id parameter
                  8.2.9     UID action indicators parameter
                 8.2.10     UID capability indicators parameter
                 8.2.11     Original called IN number parameter
 9     State definitions
10     Signalling procedures
       10.1     Bearer related connections
                 10.1.1     IN basic call
                 10.1.2     IN call with SCP request to collect further digits
                 10.1.3     Detection Point processing
                 10.1.4     Setup of an IN call to destination B
                 10.1.5     User interactive dialogue (in-band)
                 10.1.6     Call gapping
                 10.1.7     Service filtering
                 10.1.8     SCP initiated call
                 10.1.9     GVNS
                10.1.10     Actions to be performed in local exchanges
                10.1.11     Actions in an intermediate exchange
                10.1.12     Actions in international gateway exchanges
       10.2     Bearer unrelated connections
11     Interaction with other networks
12     Interaction between IN basic call and ISDN supplementary services
       12.1     Call diversion
                 12.1.1     Actions in the service switching point
                 12.1.2     Actions in the destination local exchange
       12.2     Calling line identification presentation/restriction
                 12.2.1     Actions in the service switching point
       12.3     Completion of calls service
                 12.3.1     Completion of calls to busy subscriber
                 12.3.2     Completion of calls on no reply
       12.4     Conference
                 12.4.1     Actions in the originating or destination local exchange
       12.5     Connected line identification presentation/restriction
                 12.5.1     Actions in the service switching point
       12.6     Explicit call transfer
                 12.6.1     Actions in the service switching point
       12.7     Malicious call identification
                 12.7.1     Actions in the service switching point
                 12.7.2     Actions in the destination local exchange
       12.8     Three party
                 12.8.1     Actions in the originating or destination local exchange
13     Interactions between IN services
14     Parameter values (timers)
Annex A - Signalling flows
Appendix I - Coding of the compatibility information for the parameters
Appendix II - Contents of the INAP serviceInteractionIndicatorsTwo
Appendix III - Limitations for ISUP basic call procedures and supplementary  services for different types of IN calls