1     Scope
 2     References
 3     Relationships to other Recommendations
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Signalling messages
        5.1     Address Complete Message (ACM)
        5.2     Answer Message (ANM)
        5.3     Application Transport Message (APM)
        5.4     Blocking message (BLO)
        5.5     Blocking Acknowledgement message (BLA)
        5.6     Call Progress message (CPG)
        5.7     Call Transfer Message (CTM)
        5.8     Confusion message (CFN)
        5.9     Connection Available message (COA)
       5.10     Consistency Check End message (CCE)
       5.11     Consistency Check End Acknowledge message (CCEA)
       5.12     Consistency Check Request message (CSR)
       5.13     Consistency Check Request Acknowledge message (CSRA)
       5.14     Facility message (FAC)
       5.15     Forward Transfer message (FOT)
       5.16     Identification Request message (IDR)
       5.17     Identification Response message (IRS)
       5.18     Initial Address Message (IAM)
       5.19     IAM Acknowledgement message (IAA)
       5.20     IAM Reject message (IAR)
       5.21     Loop Prevention message (LOP)
       5.22     Modify Acknowledge message (MOA)
       5.23     Modify Reject message (MOR)
       5.24     Modify Request message (MOD)
       5.25     Network Resource Management message (NRM)
       5.26     Pre-release Information message (PRI)
       5.27     Release message (REL)
       5.28     Release Complete message (RLC)
       5.29     Reset Message (RSM)
       5.30     Reset Acknowledgement Message (RAM)
       5.31     Resume message (RES)
       5.32     Segmentation Message (SGM) (national use)
       5.33     Subsequent Address Message (SAM)
       5.34     Suspend message (SUS)
       5.35     Unblocking message (UBL)
       5.36      Unblocking Acknowledgement message (UBA)
       5.37     User Part Available message (UPA)
       5.38     User Part Test message (UPT)
       5.39     User‑to‑User information message (USR)
 6     Signalling information
        6.1     Parameters
                  6.1.1     AAL parameters
                  6.1.2     AAL Prime parameters
                  6.1.3     Access delivery information
                  6.1.4     Additional calling party number
                  6.1.5     Additional ATM cell rate
                  6.1.6     Additional connected number
                  6.1.7     AESA for additional calling party
                  6.1.8     AESA for additional connected party
                  6.1.9     AESA for called party
                 6.1.10     AESA for calling party
                 6.1.11     AESA for connected party
                 6.1.12     Alternative ATM cell rate
                 6.1.13     Application generated identifier
                 6.1.14     Application transport Parameter (APP)
                 6.1.15     ATC setup parameters
                 6.1.16     ATM cell rate
                 6.1.17     Automatic congestion level
                 6.1.18     Automatic re-routing
                 6.1.19     Backward GVNS
                 6.1.20     Backward narrow-band interworking indicator
                 6.1.21     Broadband bearer capability
                 6.1.22     Broadband high layer information
                 6.1.23     Broadband low layer information
                 6.1.24     Call diversion information
                 6.1.25     Call diversion may occur
                 6.1.26     Call diversion treatment indicators
                 6.1.27     Call history information
                 6.1.28     Call offering treatment indicators
                 6.1.29     Call transfer number
                 6.1.30     Call transfer reference
                 6.1.31     Called IN number
                 6.1.32     Called party number
                 6.1.33     Called party sub-address
                 6.1.34     Called party's indicators
                 6.1.35     Calling party number
                 6.1.36     Calling party sub-address
                 6.1.37     Calling party's category
                 6.1.38     Cause indicator
                 6.1.39     CCSS
                 6.1.40     Cell delay variation tolerance (CDVT)
                 6.1.41     Charge indicator
                 6.1.42      Charged party identification
                 6.1.43     Closed user group information
                 6.1.44     Collect call request
                 6.1.45     Conference treatment indicators
                 6.1.46     Connected line identity request
                 6.1.47     Connected number
                 6.1.48     Connected sub-address
                 6.1.49     Connection element identifier
                 6.1.50     Connection identifier
                 6.1.51     Consistency check result information
                 6.1.52     Correlation ID
                 6.1.53     Destination connection link identifier
                 6.1.54     Destination signalling identifier
                 6.1.55     Display information
                 6.1.56     Echo control information
                 6.1.57     End-to-end transit delay network generated indicator
                 6.1.58     Extended quality of service
                 6.1.59     Exclusive connection element identifier
                 6.1.60     Forward GVNS
                 6.1.61     Forward narrow-band interworking indicator
                 6.1.62     Hop counter
                 6.1.63     In-band information indicator
                 6.1.64     Leaf party type
                 6.1.65     Link layer core parameters
                 6.1.66     Link layer protocol parameters
                 6.1.67     Location number
                 6.1.68     Loop prevention indicators
                 6.1.69     MCID request indicator
                 6.1.70     MCID response indicator
                 6.1.71     Minimum ATM cell rate
                 6.1.72     Maximum end-to-end transit delay
                 6.1.73     MLPP Precedence
                 6.1.74     MLPP user information
                 6.1.75     Narrow-band bearer capability
                 6.1.76     Narrow-band high layer compatibility
                 6.1.77     Narrow-band low layer compatibility
                 6.1.78     National/international call indicator
                 6.1.79     Network call correlation identifier
                 6.1.80     Network look-ahead indicators
                 6.1.81     Network management controls
                 6.1.82     Notification
                 6.1.83     OAM traffic descriptor
                 6.1.84     Original called number
                 6.1.85     Origination Connection Link Identifier
                 6.1.86     Origination ISC point code
                 6.1.87     Origination signalling identifier
                 6.1.88     Quality of service
                 6.1.89     Priority
                 6.1.90     Progress indicator
                 6.1.91     Propagation delay counter
                 6.1.92     Redirecting number
                 6.1.93     Redirection information
                 6.1.94     Redirection number
                 6.1.95     Redirection number restriction
                 6.1.96     Remote operations
                 6.1.97     Report type
                 6.1.98     Report type prime
                 6.1.99     Resource identifier
                6.1.100     SCF ID
                6.1.101     Service activation
                6.1.102     Segmentation indicator (national use)
                6.1.103     Soft PVC called endpoint
                6.1.104     Soft PVC calling endpoint
                6.1.105     Subsequent number
                6.1.106     Suspend/Resume indicators
                6.1.107     Transit network selection (national use)
                6.1.108     UID action indicators
                6.1.109     UID capability indicators
                6.1.110     User‑to‑user indicators
                6.1.111     User‑to‑user information
        6.2     Parameter information
                  6.2.1     Access delivery indicator
                  6.2.2     Address presentation restricted indicator
                  6.2.3     Address signal
                  6.2.4     APM segmentation indicator
                  6.2.5     Application context identifier
                  6.2.6     Application transport instruction indicators (ATII)
                  6.2.7     Binary code
                  6.2.8     Broadband/Narrow-band interworking indicator
                  6.2.9     Call diversion may occur indicator
                 6.2.10     Call identifier
                 6.2.11     Call to be diverted indicator
                 6.2.12     Call to be offered indicator
                 6.2.13     Called party's category indicator
                 6.2.14     Called party's status indicator
                 6.2.15     Calling party address request indicator
                 6.2.16     Calling party number incomplete (national use)
                 6.2.17     Cause value
                 6.2.18     CCSS call indicator
                 6.2.19     Charge indicator
                 6.2.20     Cell rate identifier
                 6.2.21     Closed user group call indicator
                 6.2.22     Coding standard
                 6.2.23     Component ID tag
                 6.2.24     Component type
                 6.2.25     Component type tag
                 6.2.26     Conference acceptance indicator
                 6.2.27     Connection identifier
                 6.2.28     Control ID
                 6.2.29     Diagnostic
                 6.2.30     Discard message indicator
                 6.2.31     Discard parameter indicator
                 6.2.32     Encapsulated application information
                 6.2.33     Extension indicator
                 6.2.34     Feature code
                 6.2.35     Filler
                 6.2.36     GVNS user group identification
                 6.2.37     Hold provided indicator
                 6.2.38     Holding indicator
                 6.2.39     Incoming echo control device request indicator
                 6.2.40     Incoming echo control device indicator
                 6.2.41     Instruction indicator
                 6.2.42     Internal network number indicator
                 6.2.43     Interworking indicator
                 6.2.44     ISDN access indicator
                 6.2.45     ISDN User Part indicator
                 6.2.46     ISDN User Part preference indicator
                 6.2.47     Location
                 6.2.48     Look-ahead for busy indicator
                 6.2.49     MLPP service domain
                 6.2.50     MLPP user indicator
                 6.2.51     More data indicator
                 6.2.52     Nature of address indicator
                 6.2.53     Network discard indicator
                 6.2.54     Network identification (national use)
                 6.2.55     Network identification plan (national use)
                 6.2.56     Network identity
                 6.2.57     Notification indicator
                 6.2.58     Notification subscription option
                 6.2.59     Numbering plan indicator
                 6.2.60     Odd/even indicator
                 6.2.61     Originating participating service provider identification
                 6.2.62     Original redirection reason
                 6.2.63     Outgoing echo control device request indicator
                 6.2.64     Outgoing echo control device indicator
                 6.2.65     Party type indicator
                 6.2.66     Pass on not possible indicator
                 6.2.67     Point code
                 6.2.68     Precedence level
                 6.2.69     Priority
                 6.2.70     Priority level
                 6.2.71     Protocol profile
                 6.2.72     QoS Class
                 6.2.73     Redirecting indicator
                 6.2.74     Redirecting reason
                 6.2.75     Redirection counter
                 6.2.76     Redirection reason
                 6.2.77     Release call indicator
                 6.2.78     Repeat indicator
                 6.2.79     Re-routing counter
                 6.2.80     Re-routing indicator
                 6.2.81     Resource indicator
                 6.2.82     Resource value
                 6.2.83     Routing label
                 6.2.84     Screening indicator
                 6.2.85     Send notification indicator
                 6.2.86     Segmentation local reference (SLR)
                 6.2.87     Sequence indicator
                 6.2.88     Simple segmentation indicator
                 6.2.89     T9 timer indicator
                 6.2.90     T9 timer instruction indicator
                 6.2.91     Temporary alternative routing indicator
                 6.2.92     Terminating access indicator
                 6.2.93     Terminating network routing number
                 6.2.94     Through-connection indicator
                 6.2.95     Through-connection instruction indicator
                 6.2.96     Transit at intermediate exchange indicator
                 6.2.97     Type
                 6.2.98     Type of network identification (national use)
                 6.2.99     Virtual channel identifier
                6.2.100     Virtual path connection identifier
                6.2.101     VPCI check result indicator