1     General
 2     Performance design objectives
        2.1     Reference loads
        2.2     Inadequately handled call attempts
        2.3     Delay probability – non-ISDN or mixed (ISDN – non-ISDN) environment
        2.4     Delay probability – ISDN environment
        2.5     Call processing performance objectives
        2.6     Transmission performance
        2.7     Slip rate
 3     Exchange performance during overload conditions
        3.1     Explanation of terms used in definition of overload parameters
        3.2     Call processing performance during overload
        3.3     Engineered exchange capacity
        3.4     Overload control strategy
        3.5     Detection of overload
        3.6     Overload protection
        3.7     Grade of service during overload
        3.8     Performance monitoring during overload control activation
Annex A  –     An example of methodology for computing the call processing capacity of a Digital Exchange, taking into account ISDN services, including packet data handling
        A.1     General
        A.2     Definitions
        A.3     Processing capacity computation (for a central processing unit)
        A.4     Processing capacity computation (for an interface unit)
        A.5     Examples of processing capacity computations
        A.6     Packet handling
        A.7     Capacity computation for exchange architectures other than that assumed in Figure A.1
        A.8     Conclusion
Annex B  –  An example of a methodology for measuring exchange capacity
        B.1     General
        B.2     Theory behind the measurement method
        B.3     Capacity measurement methodology for exchanges6