1     Introduction
        1.1     Unified Functional Methodology (UFM): Summary
        1.2     The Stage 2 definition (Summary)
 2     Steps of the method
        2.1     Step 1 – Functional model
                  2.1.1     Unified functional model
                  2.1.2     Functional entities
                  2.1.3     Functional entity relationships
                  2.1.4     Derivation of the functional model
                  2.1.5     Relationship between basic and supplementary service models
        2.2     Step 2 (Optional) – SIB description of service features (see 3.1 for alternative Step 2 utilizing Object oriented techniques)
                  2.2.1     SIB definitions
                  2.2.2     SIB data parameters
                  2.2.3     SIB modelling conventions
                  2.2.4     SIB modelling of service features
                  2.2.5     List of available SIBs
                  2.2.6     Mapping SIBs to FEs
        2.3     Step 3 – Information flow diagrams (see 3.2 for alternative Step 3 utilizing Object Oriented techniques)
                  2.3.1     Identification of information flows
                  2.3.2     Definition of individual information flows
        2.4     Step 4 – Functional entity actions (see 3.3 for alternative Step 4 utilizing Object Oriented techniques)
        2.5     Step 5 (optional) – SDL diagrams for functional entities
                  2.5.1     SDL general aspects
                  2.5.2     Adding functionality to existing Stage 2 service descriptions
                  2.5.3     Packages
        2.6     Step 6 – Allocation of functional entities to physical locations (scenarios)
 3     Alternative steps utilizing Object Oriented techniques
        3.1     Alternative Step 2
        3.2     Alternative Step 3
                  3.2.1     Interface Classes
                  3.2.2     Class diagrams
                  3.2.3     Interface Sequence diagrams (Optional)
        3.3     Alternative Step 4
Appendix I – Format and outline of a Stage 2 description using the unified functional methodology
Appendix II – Functional architecture - Q.65 evolution
Appendix III – Examples of Interface Classes formed from Service/Application requirements
      III.1     Introduction
      III.2     Service/Application Example
                III.2.1     Third Party Initiated Call
      III.3     Class Diagrams
                III.3.1     Generic call control service class diagram
                III.3.2     Method Invocations
                III.3.3     IDL
      III.4     Where to go now?