1     Purpose and Scope
 2     References
 3     Definitions, abbreviations and conventions
        3.1     Definitions
        3.2     Abbreviations
        3.3     Conventions
 4     General overview
        4.1     Entity relationship models
                  4.1.1     Entity relationship diagram for the switched virtual paths
                  4.1.2     Entity relationship diagram for the soft PVCs
        4.2     Inheritance hierarchy
 5     Formal definitions
        5.1     Object classes
                  5.1.1     Profiling notes for imported classes
                  5.1.2     Definition of classes
        5.2     Name bindings
                  5.2.1     softPvc-managedElementR1
                  5.2.2     vpPool-tcAdaptorTTPBidirectional
        5.3     Definition of packages
                  5.3.1     atmTrafficDescriptorPtrPkg (ATM traffic descriptor pointer package)
                  5.3.2     calledPartyVciPkg (called party VCI package)
                  5.3.3     calledPartyVpciPkg (called party VPCI package)
                  5.3.4     callingPartyNumberPtrPkg (calling party number pointer package)
                  5.3.5     callingPartyVciPkg (calling party VCI package)
                  5.3.6     callingPartyVpciPkg (calling party VPCI package)
                  5.3.7     retryPkg (retry package)
                  5.3.8     uniAccessPtrPkg (uni access pointer package)
        5.4     Definition of attributes
                  5.4.1     atmTrafficDescriptorPtr (ATM traffic descriptor pointer)
                  5.4.2     calledPartyNumber (called party number)
                  5.4.3     calledPartySelectionType (called party selection type)
                  5.4.4     calledPartyVci (called party VCI)
                  5.4.5     calledPartyVpci (called party VPCI)
                  5.4.6     callingPartyDirectoryNumberPtr (calling party directory number pointer)
                  5.4.7     callingPartyVci (calling party VCI)
                  5.4.8     callingPartyVpci (calling party VPCI)
                  5.4.9     egressBandwidth (egress bandwidth)
                 5.4.10     ingressBandwidth (ingress bandwidth)
                 5.4.11     retryInterval (retry interval)
                 5.4.12     retryLimit (retry limit)
                 5.4.13     softPvcCause (soft PVC cause)
                 5.4.14     softPvcId (soft PVC identifier)
                 5.4.15     switchingModes (switching modes)
                 5.4.16     uniAccessPtr (uni access pointer)
                 5.4.17     vpiRange (VPI range)
                 5.4.18     vpPoolAndVpciPtrList (VP pool and VPCI pointer list)
                 5.4.19     vpPoolId (VP pool identifier)
 6     Type definitions
 7     Protocol stacks
Annex A - Management requirements
        A.1     Management requirements for switched virtual paths
        A.2     Management requirements for user-to-user soft PVCs
Appendix I - Bibliography
Appendix II - Instantiation examples for switched VPs