SUMMARY       vi
 1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     General principles
        6.1     Content architecture classes
                  6.1.1     Formatted content architecture class
                  6.1.2     Formatted processable content architecture class
        6.2     Content
                  6.2.1     Binary mode
                  6.2.2     Colour mode
        6.3     Presentation attributes
        6.4     Content portion attributes
        6.5     Coding of content information
        6.6     Picture element (pel) array
        6.7     Colour spaces applicable to the raster graphics content architecture
 7     Principles of positioning pels
        7.1     Basic concepts
                  7.1.1     Measurement units and directions
                  7.1.2     Coordinate systems
        7.2     Pel image model
        7.3     Positioning of pels
                  7.3.1     The clipped pel array
                  7.3.2     Discarded pels
        7.4     Tiling
        7.5     Positioning of pels in a basic layout object
                  7.5.1     Positioning parameters
                  7.5.2     Positioning rules for formatted content
                  7.5.3     Positioning rules for formatted processable content
 8     Definition of raster graphics presentation attributes
        8.1     Shared presentation attributes
                  8.1.1     Clipping    
                  8.1.2     Line progression
                  8.1.3     Pel path    
        8.2     Layout presentation attributes
                  8.2.1     Initial offset
                  8.2.2     Pel transmission density
        8.3     Logical presentation attributes
                  8.3.1     Image dimensions
                  8.3.2     Pel spacing
                  8.3.3     Spacing ratio
        8.4     Content architecture class attributes
                  8.4.1     Content architecture class
 9     Definition of raster graphics content portion attributes
        9.1     Common coding attributes
                  9.1.1     Type of coding
        9.2     Other coding attributes
                  9.2.1     Compression
                  9.2.2     Number of lines
                  9.2.3     Number of pels per line
                  9.2.4     Number of discarded pels
                  9.2.5     Number of lines per tile
                  9.2.6     Number of pels per tile line
                  9.2.7     Tiling offset
                  9.2.8     Tile types
                  9.2.9     Bits per colour component
                 9.2.10     Interleaving format
        9.3     Content information attributes
        9.4     Interactions with document architecture attributes
10     Formal definitions of raster graphics content architecture dependent data types
       10.1     Introduction
       10.2     Representation of presentation attributes
       10.3     Representation of coding attributes
       10.4     Representation of non-basic features and non-standard defaults
11     Coding schemes
       11.1     CCITT Rec. T.6 encoding scheme
       11.2     CCITT Rec. T.4 encoding schemes
       11.3     Bitmap encoding scheme
       11.4     Tiled encoding scheme
       11.5     Direct value encoding scheme
       11.6     Octet run-length encoding scheme
       11.7     Packed index encoding scheme
12     Content layout process
       12.1     Introduction
                 12.1.1     Purpose   
                 12.1.2     Available area
                 12.1.3     Presentation attributes
                 12.1.4     Coding attributes
                 12.1.5     Raster graphics content architecture classes
                 12.1.6     Layout of the content
       12.2     Notation
       12.3     The fixed dimension content layout method
       12.4     The scalable dimension content layout method
13     Content imaging process
       13.1     Introduction
       13.2     Content imaging process for formatted form
       13.3     Content imaging process for formatted processable form
14     Definition of raster graphics content architecture classes
       14.1     Summary of raster graphics presentation attributes
       14.2     Summary of raster graphic content portion attributes
Annex A  –  Summary of raster graphics content architecture classes
        A.1     Formatted raster graphics content architecture class
                  A.1.1     Presentation attributes
                  A.1.2     Content portion attributes
        A.2     Formatted processable raster graphics content architecture class
                  A.2.1     Presentation attributes
                  A.2.2     Content portion attributes

Annex B  –  Summary of ASN.1 object identifiers
Annex C  –  SGML representation of raster graphics content-specific attributes for ODL
        C.1     Introduction
        C.2     Names and public identifiers
        C.3     Representation of attribute values
                  C.3.1     Constructed parameters
                  C.3.2     String parameters
                  C.3.3     Keyword parameters
                  C.3.4     Integer parameters
        C.4     Presentation attributes
                  C.4.1     Shared presentation attributes (format attribute-directives)
                  C.4.2     Layout presentation attributes (formal attributes)
                  C.4.3     Logical presentation attributes (format directives)
        C.5     Coding attributes