Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     Normative references         
 3     Definitions
        3.1     JPEG 2000 definitions
        3.2     HTTP definitions         
        3.3     JPIP definitions            
        3.4     Symbols         
 4     Abbreviations          
 5     Conventions            
        5.1     ABNF rules    
        5.2     File format ABNF rules 
        5.3     Key to graphical descriptions of boxes (informative) 
 6     General description  
        6.1     JPIP protocol
        6.2     Purpose  
 7     Conformance  
Annex A – The JPP-stream and JPT-stream media types    
        A.1     Introduction  
        A.2     Message header structure  
        A.3     Data-bins 
        A.4     Conventions for parsing and delivery of JPP-streams and JPT-streams
        A.5     Conventions for JPP-stream or JPT-stream interoperability (informative)          
Annex B – Sessions, channels, cache model and model-sets    
        B.1     Requests within a session vs. stateless requests           
        B.2     Channels and sessions 
        B.3     Cache model management 
        B.4     Interrogation and manipulation of model-sets
Annex C – Client request    
        C.1     Request syntax 
        C.2     Target identification fields 
        C.3     Fields for working with sessions and channels
        C.4     View-window request fields 
        C.5     Metadata request fields 
        C.6     Data limiting request fields 
        C.7     Server control request fields 
        C.8     Cache management request fields 
        C.9     Upload request parameters 
       C.10     Client capability and preference request fields 
Annex D – Server response signalling    
        D.1     Reply syntax 
        D.2     JPIP response headers 
        D.3     Response data 
Annex E – Uploading images to the server    
        E.1     Introduction  
        E.2     Upload request 
        E.3     Server response  
        E.4     Merging data on the server 
Annex F – Using JPIP over HTTP    
        F.1     Introduction  
        F.2     Requests 
        F.3     Session establishment 
        F.4     Responses 
        F.5     Additional HTTP features 
        F.6     HTTP and length request field (informative) 
Annex G – Using JPIP with HTTP requests and TCP returns    
        G.1     Introduction  
        G.2     Client requests 
        G.3     Session establishment 
        G.4     Server responses 
        G.5     TCP and length request field (informative) 
Annex H – Using JPIP with alternate transports    
        H.1     Introduction  
        H.2     Reliable requests with unreliable data 
        H.3     Unreliable requests with unreliable data 
        H.4     Request and response syntax 
        H.5     Session establishment 
Annex I – Indexing JPEG 2000 files for JPIP    
        I.1     Introduction (informative) 
        I.2     Identifying the use of JPIP index boxes in the JPEG 2000 file format compatibility list     
        I.3     Defined boxes 
        I.4     Association of codestream indexes with codestreams 
        I.5     Placement restrictions (informative) 
Annex J – Profiles and variants for interoperability and testing    
        J.1     Introduction  
        J.2     Definition of variants 
        J.3     Definition of profiles 
        J.4     Testing methodology 
Annex K – Using JPIP with HTTP requests and UDP returns    
        K.1     Introduction 
        K.2     Client requests 
        K.3     Response data delivery and channel establishment 
        K.4     Server responses 
        K.5     Framing of response data into chunks 
        K.6     Client acknowledgement of server responses 
        K.7     UDP and Maximum Response Length Field (informative) 
        K.8     Implementation strategies for acknowledged communication (informative) 
        K.9     Implementation strategies for unacknowledged communication (informative)
Annex L – Registration of extensions    
Annex M – Application examples    
        M.1     Introduction  
        M.2     Use of JPIP with codestreams in other file formats 
        M.3     Tile-part implementation techniques 
        M.4     Precinct-based implementation techniques 
        M.5     JPIP protocol transcripts 
        M.6     Using JPIP with HTML 
Annex N – JPIP ABNF collection    
        N.1     JPIP Request ABNF 
        N.2     JPIP Response BNF 
Annex O – Media type specifications and registrations    
        O.1     General
        O.2     JPP-stream   
        O.3     JPT-stream   