INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 27014 RECOMMENDATION ITU-T X.1054 (04/2021) Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Governance of information security
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 Use and structure of this Recommendation | International Standard
6 Governance and management standards
     6.1 Overview
     6.2 Governance activities within the scope of an ISMS
     6.3 Other related standards
     6.4 Thread of governance within the organization
7 Entity governance and information security governance
     7.1 Overview
     7.2 Objectives
          7.2.1 Objective 1: Establish integrated comprehensive entity-wide information security
          7.2.2 Objective 2: Make decisions using a risk-based approach
          7.2.3 Objective 3: Set the direction of acquisition
          7.2.4 Objective 4: Ensure conformance with internal and external requirements
          7.2.5 Objective 5: Foster a security-positive culture
          7.2.6 Objective 6: Ensure the security performance meets current and future requirements of the entity
     7.3 Processes
          7.3.1 General
          7.3.2 Evaluate
          7.3.3 Direct
          7.3.4 Monitor
          7.3.5 Communicate
8 The governing body's requirements on the ISMS
     8.1 Organization and ISMS
     8.2 Scenarios (see Annex B)
          8.2.1 Type A: The ISMS organization is the whole entity
          8.2.2 Type B: The ISMS organization forms a part of a larger entity
          8.2.3 Type C: The ISMS organization includes parts of several entities
Annex A  Governance relationship
Annex B  Types of ISMS organization
Annex C  Examples of communication