Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References  
 3     Terms and definitions
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere              
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation      
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms    
 5     Conventions
 6     General model of a home area network in a smart grid      
 7     Security threats against home area networks       
        7.1     Data leakage      
        7.2     Falsification of data or injection of malicious data     
        7.3     Interruption of communication     
        7.4     Unauthorized access       
        7.5     Repudiation       
        7.6     Relationship between security threats and a home area network         
 8     Home area network security requirements          
        8.1     Availability         
        8.2     Confidentiality  
        8.3     Integrity             
        8.4     Non-repudiation               
        8.5     Relationship between security requirements and home area networks               
 9     Relationship between security requirements and security functions              
10     Security guidelines for home area network devices in smart grid systems    
       10.1     Security functions for loads          
       10.2     Security functions for distributed energy resources               
       10.3     Security functions for electric vehicle chargers       
       10.4     Security functions for customer energy displays      
       10.5     Security functions for a home energy management system   
       10.6     Security functions for an energy services interface
       10.7     Security functions for communication        