Rec. ITU-T X.1403 (09/2020) Security guidelines for using distributed ledger technology for decentralized identity management
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 References
3 Definitions
     3.1 Terms defined elsewhere
     3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 Conventions
6 Towards decentralized digital identity
     6.1 Centralized identity model
     6.2 Federated identity model
     6.3 Decentralized identity model
          6.3.1 Decentralized identifiers
          6.3.2 Verifiable credentials
7 Decentralized identity using DLT
     7.1 Wallet initiation
     7.2 DID resolution and authentication
     7.3 Benefits of using DLT for decentralized identity and access management system (DIdAm)
          7.3.1 Support of decentralized identity across multiple DLT ledgers
          7.3.2 Support for identity services
          7.3.3 Managing key chain
8 Security guidelines for using DLT for DIdAm
     8.1 Distributed ledger security considerations
     8.2 Benefits of using DID for DLT
     8.3 Threats and vulnerabilities
          8.3.1 Identity data management
          8.3.2 DID key linkability
          8.3.3 DID key protection
          8.3.4 PII preserving techniques
          8.3.5 Vendor lock-in
          8.3.6 Identity-based attacks
          8.3.7 Communication network effects
          8.3.8 Identity data encryption
          8.3.9 Backup
          8.3.10 Smart contracts
          8.3.11 DLT certificate management