1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
 3     Definitions
        3.1     OSI Reference Model definitions
        3.2     Service Conventions definitions
        3.3     Data Link Service definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
        5.1     General conventions
        5.2     Parameters
 6     Overview of the Data Link Service
 7     Classes and types of Data Link Service
 8     Features of the connection-mode Data Link Service
 9     Model of the connection-mode Data Link Service
        9.1     DLC Endpoint Connection Identification
        9.2     Model of a Data-link-connection
10     Quality of connection-mode Data Link Service
       10.1     Determination of QOS for Connection-mode Service
       10.2     Definition of connection-mode QOS parameters
11     Sequence of primitives
       11.1     Concepts used to define the connection-mode Data Link Service
       11.2     Constraints of Sequence of Primitives
12     Connection establishment phase
       12.1     Function
       12.2     Types of primitives and parameters
       12.3     Sequence of primitives
13     Connection release phase
       13.1     Function
       13.2     Types of primitive and parameters
       13.3     Sequence of primitives when releasing an established DLC
       13.4     Sequence of primitives in a DLS user rejection of DLC establishment attempt
       13.5     Sequence of primitives in a DLS provider rejection of a DLC establishment attempt
       13.6     Sequence of primitives in a DLS user abort of a DLC establishment attempt
14     Data transfer phase
       14.1     Data transfer
       14.2     Reset service
15     Features of the Connectionless-mode Data Link Service
16     Model of the Connectionless-mode Data Link Service
       16.1     Model of a data-link-connectionless-mode data transmission
17     Quality of Connectionless-mode Service
       17.1     Determination of QOS for Connectionless-mode Service
       17.2     Definition of connectionless-mode QOS parameters
18     Sequence of connectionless-mode primitives at one DLSAP
19     Data transfer
       19.1     Function
       19.2     Types of primitives and parameters
       19.3     Sequence of primitives