1     Scope
 2     References
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional references
 3     Abbreviations
 4     Protocol identifiers
 5     Initial protocol identifier
        5.1     General
        5.2     Assignment structure for header-oriented protocols
        5.3     Values assigned to the IPI for header-oriented protocols
        5.4     Assignment structure for trailer-oriented protocols
        5.5     Values assigned to the IPI for trailer-oriented protocols
 6     Subsequent protocol identifier
        6.1     General
        6.2     Assignment structure for header-oriented protocols
        6.3     Values assigned to the SPI for header-oriented protocols
        6.4     Assignment structure for trailer-oriented protocols
        6.5     Values assigned to the SPI for trailer-oriented protocols
Annex      A  The location and use of protocol identifiers in X.25 Packet Layer Protocol
Annex      B  Guidelines on the processing of protocol identifiers
        B.1     Originating systems
        B.2     Destination systems
Annex      C  –  Identification of Internet protocols
Annex      D  –  Identification of protocols that are discriminated according to the IEEE-defined SNAP convention
Annex      E  –  Identification of protocols specified by the Frame Relay Forum