Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     Normative references             
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards       
        2.2     Other references           
 3     Definitions 
        3.1     Basic Directory definitions        
        3.2     Directory model definitions      
        3.3     DSA information model definitions        
        3.4     Abstract service definitions       
        3.5     Protocol definitions     
        3.6     Directory replication definitions             
        3.7     Distributed operation definitions            
 4     Abbreviations           
 5     Conventions             
 6     Overview    
 7     Distributed Directory system model   
 8     DSA interactions model         
        8.1     Decomposition of a request       
        8.2     Uni-chaining  
        8.3     Multi-chaining              
        8.4     Referral           
        8.5     Mode determination     
 9     Overview of DSA abstract service      
10     Information types   
       10.1     Introduction  
       10.2     Information types defined elsewhere    
       10.3     Chaining arguments    
       10.4     Chaining results           
       10.5     Operation progress      
       10.6     Trace information       
       10.7     Reference type             
       10.8     Access point information          
       10.9     DIT bridge knowledge
      10.10     Exclusions    
      10.11     Continuation reference            
11     Bind and Unbind    
       11.1     DSA Bind       
       11.2     DSA Unbind  
12     Chained operations
       12.1     Chained operations     
       12.2     Chained Abandon operation    
       12.3     Chained operations and protocol version            
13     Chained errors        
       13.1     Introduction  
       13.2     DSA referral  
14     Introduction            
       14.1     Scope and limits          
       14.2     Conformance
       14.3     Conceptual model       
       14.4     Individual and cooperative operation of DSAs   
       14.5     Cooperative agreements between DSAs
15     Distributed Directory behaviour        
       15.1     Cooperative fulfilment of operations    
       15.2     Phases of operation processing
       15.3     Managing Distributed Operations          
       15.4     Loop handling              
       15.5     Other considerations for distributed operation   
       15.6     Authentication of Distributed operations            
16     The Operation Dispatcher    
       16.1     General concepts         
       16.2     Procedures of the Operation Dispatcher              
       16.3     Overview of procedures            
17     Request Validation procedure            
       17.1     Introduction  
       17.2     Procedure parameters 
       17.3     Procedure definition   
18     Name Resolution procedure
       18.1     Introduction  
       18.2     Find DSE procedure parameters             
       18.3     Procedures     
19     Operation evaluation            
       19.1     Modification procedures          
       19.2     Single entry interrogation procedure     
       19.3     Multiple entry interrogation procedure 
20     Continuation Reference procedures  
       20.1     Chaining strategy in the presence of shadowing 
       20.2     Issuing chained subrequests to a remote DSA or LDAP server      
       20.3     Procedures' parameters             
       20.4     Definition of the procedures    
       20.5     Abandon procedures  
       20.6     DAP request to LDAP request procedure             
       20.7     LDAP result to DAP reply procedure     
21     Results Merging procedure  
22     Procedures for distributed authentication       
       22.1     Requester authentication          
       22.2     Results authentication
23     Knowledge administration overview
       23.1     Maintenance of knowledge references  
       23.2     Requesting cross reference       
       23.3     Knowledge inconsistencies      
24     Hierarchical operational bindings     
       24.1     Operational binding type characteristics             
       24.2     Operational binding information object Class definition 
       24.3     DSA procedures for hierarchical operational binding management             
       24.4     Procedures for operations         
       24.5     Use of application contexts      
25     Non-specific hierarchical operational binding              
       25.1     Operational binding type characteristics             
       25.2     Operational binding information object class definition  
       25.3     DSA procedures for non-specific hierarchical operational binding management     
       25.4     Procedures for operations         
       25.5     Use of application contexts      
Annex A – ASN.1 for Distributed Operations    
Annex B – Specification of hierarchical and non-specific hierarchical  operational binding types    
Annex C – Example of distributed name resolution    
Annex D – Distributed use of authentication    
        D.1     Summary        
        D.2     Distributed protection model    
        D.3     Signed chained operations        
Annex E – Knowledge maintenance example    
Annex F – Amendments and corrigenda