1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conformance
Annex  A  –  Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma for the directory system protocol
        A.1     Identification of PICS proforma corrigenda
        A.2     Instructions
                  A.2.1     Purpose and structure of the proforma
                  A.2.2     Symbols, terms and abbreviations
                               A.2.2.1     Introduction
                               A.2.2.2     Item numbering
                               A.2.2.3     Status column
                               A.2.2.4     Support column
                               A.2.2.5     Definition of support
                               A.2.2.6     Note column
                               A.2.2.7     Abbreviations
                  A.2.3     Instructions for completion
        A.3     Identification of the implementation
                  A.3.1     Date of statement
                  A.3.2     Identification of the implementation and/or system
                  A.3.3     Identification of the system supplier and/or test laboratory client
        A.4     Protocol identification
                  A.4.1     CCITT Rec. X.500-Series | ISO/IEC 9594 protocol specifications and amendments implemented
                  A.4.2     CCITT Rec. X.500-Series | ISO/IEC 9594 technical corrigenda implemented
        A.5     Global statement of conformance
        A.6     Capabilities and options
                  A.6.1     Supported application context
                  A.6.2     Operations
                  A.6.3     Protocol elements
                               A.6.3.1     DSABind Protocol Elements
                               A.6.3.2     DSAUnbind Elements
                               A.6.3.3     ChainedRead Elements
                               A.6.3.4     ChainedCompare Elements
                               A.6.3.5     ChainedAbandon Elements
                               A.6.3.6     ChainedList Elements
                               A.6.3.7     ChainedSearch Elements
                               A.6.3.8     ChainedAddEntry Elements
                               A.6.3.9     ChainedRemoveEntry Elements
                              A.6.3.10     ChainedModifyEntry Elements
                              A.6.3.11     ChainedModifyRDN Elements
                              A.6.3.12     Errors and Parameters
                              A.6.3.13     CommonArguments Elements

                              A.6.3.14     CommonResults Elements
                              A.6.3.15     Service Controls
                              A.6.3.16     Entry Information Selection
                              A.6.3.17     Entry Information
                              A.6.3.18     Filter Elements
                              A.6.3.19     Filter item Elements
                              A.6.3.20     Continuation reference
                              A.6.3.21     Chaining Argument Elements
                              A.6.3.22     Chaining Result Elements
                              A.6.3.23     Cross Reference Elements
                              A.6.3.24     Trace Information Elements
                              A.6.3.25     Security Parameters
                              A.6.3.26     Access Point
                  A.6.4     Directory schema
                               A.6.4.1     Supported Object Classes
                               A.6.4.2     Supported Attribute Types
                  A.6.5     Other information
        A.7     Multi-layer dependencies
                  A.7.1     Upper layers
                  A.7.2     Underlying layers
                               A.7.2.1     ROSE 
                               A.7.2.2     ACSE