1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical ITU-T Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired ITU-T Recommendations | International Standards
     Additional references
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Management framework definitions
        3.2     Systems management overview definitions
        3.3     CMIS definitions
        3.4     Management information model definitions
        3.5     Guidelines for the definition of managed objects definitions
        3.6     Requirement and guidelines for implementation conformance statement proformas associated with OSI management definitions
        3.7     State management function definitions
        3.8     Time management function definitions
        3.9     Additional Definitions
 4     Symbols and abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Requirements
        6.1     Summarization of response times
        6.2     Management and control of the summarization
        6.3     Monitoring statistics on the response time
 7     Model
        7.1     Response monitoring relationship
        7.2     Selection of response information
 8     Generic definitions
        8.1     Managed relationship classes
        8.2     Managed object class
        8.3     Conditional packages
        8.4     Attributes
        8.5     Notifications
        8.6     Relationship mapping definitions
        8.7     Compliance
 9     Service definition
        9.1     Introduction
        9.2     Establishment of response monitoring
        9.3     Termination of response monitoring
        9.4     Binding route role objects
        9.5     Unbinding route role objects
        9.6     QUERY bound object
        9.7     Response Confirmation Reporting Service
10     Functional units
11     Protocol
       11.1     Elements of procedures
       11.2     Abstract Syntax
       11.3     Negotiation of functional units
12     Relationship with other functions
13     Conformance
       13.1     Static conformance
       13.2     Dynamic conformance
       13.3     Management implementation conformance statement requirements
Annex A – Management Information Definitions for Response Time Monitoring
        A.1     Relationship class definition
        A.2     Managed object classes
        A.3     Packages
        A.4     Attributes
        A.5     Notification
        A.6     Relationship mapping definition
        A.7     ASN.1 definitions
Annex B – MCS proforma
        B.1     Introduction
        B.2     Identification of the implementation
        B.3     Identification of the Recommendations | International Standards in which the management information is defined
        B.4     Management conformance summary
Annex C – MOCS proforma
        C.1     Introduction
        C.2     Instructions for completing the MOCS proforma to produce a MOCS
        C.3     Statement of conformance to the responseConfirmationObject object class
        C.4     Statement of conformance to the responseConfirmationRecord object class
        C.5     Statement of conformance to the responseDelayMonitor object class
        C.6     Statement of conformance to the responseMonitor object class
        C.7     Statement of conformance to the responseRequester object class
        C.8     Statement of conformance to the route object class
Annex D – MRCS proforma
        D.1     Introduction
        D.2     Instructions for completing the MRCS
        D.3     Managed relationship support
        D.4     Roles support
        D.5     Relationship management operations, notifications, and parameters support
        D.6     Relationship object support
Annex E – MICS proforma
        E.1     Introduction
        E.2     Instructions for completing the MICS proforma to produce a MICS
        E.3     Statement of conformance to the management information
Annex F – An Example Procedure to Summarize Histogram Data
Annex G – An example to summarize statistics on response times
        G.1     Statistics for periodical response-request
        G.2     Statistics for irregular response-request
        G.3     Summarization of frequency distribution (ex., histogram data)