1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
        2.3     Additional References
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     General discussion of integrity
        5.1     Basic concepts
        5.2     Types of integrity services
        5.3     Types of integrity mechanisms
        5.4     Threats to integrity
        5.5     Types of integrity attacks
 6     Integrity policies
        6.1     Policy expression
                  6.1.1     Data characterization
                  6.1.2     Entity characterization
                          Identity based policies
                          Rule based policies
 7     Integrity information and facilities
        7.1     Integrity information
                  7.1.1     Shield integrity information
                  7.1.2     Modification detection integrity information
                  7.1.3     Unshield integrity information
        7.2     Integrity facilities
                  7.2.1     Operational related facilities
                  7.2.2     Management related facilities
 8     Classification of integrity mechanisms
        8.1     Integrity provision through cryptography
                  8.1.1     Integrity provision through sealing
                  8.1.2     Integrity provision through Digital Signatures
                  8.1.3     Integrity provision through encipherment of redundant data
        8.2     Integrity provision through context
                  8.2.1     Data Replication
                  8.2.2     Pre-agreed context
        8.3     Integrity provision through detection and acknowledgement
        8.4     Integrity provision through prevention
 9     Interactions with other security services and mechanisms
        9.1     Access Control
        9.2     Data origin authentication
        9.3     Confidentiality
Annex A – Integrity in the OSI Basic Reference Model
Annex B – External Data Consistency
Annex C – Integrity Facilities Outline