1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Paired Recommendations | International Standards equivalent in technical content
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
        5.1     Service conventions
        5.2     Usage of the term transaction
        5.3     Usage of italics for notations
 6     Overview of the OSI TP service
 7     Service facilities
        7.1     Functional unit descriptions
        7.2     Services contained in functional units
        7.3     Service for modelling data transfer
        7.4     Structure of service descriptions
        7.5     Effects of dialogue termination
 8     Service primitives and their parameters
 9     Data transfer
        9.1     Overview of data transfer
        9.2     Data transfer service –TP-DATA
10     The Dialogue functional unit
       10.1     Overview of the Dialogue functional unit
       10.2     Dialogue Establishment service – TP-BEGIN-DIALOGUE
       10.3     Dialogue Termination service – TP-END-DIALOGUE
       10.4     User Error Reporting service – TP-U-ERROR
       10.5     User Abort service – TP-U-ABORT
       10.6     Provider Abort service – TP-P-ABORT
11     The Shared Control functional unit
       11.1     Overview of the Shared Control functional unit
12     The Polarized Control functional unit
       12.1     Overview of the Polarized Control functional unit
       12.2     Grant Control service – TP-GRANT-CONTROL
       12.3     Request Control service – TP-REQUEST-CONTROL
13     The Handshake functional unit
       13.1     Overview of the Handshake functional unit
       13.2     Handshake service – TP-HANDSHAKE
       13.3     Handshake and Grant Control service – TP-HANDSHAKE-AND-GRANT-CONTROL
14     The commitment-related functional units
       14.1     Introduction
       14.2     Summary
       14.3     Overview of the Chained Transactions functional unit
       14.4     Overview of the Unchained Transactions functional unit
       14.5     Begin Transaction service – TP-BEGIN-TRANSACTION
       14.6     Deferred End Dialogue service – TP-DEFERRED-END-DIALOGUE
       14.7     Deferred Grant Control service – TP-DEFERRED-GRANT-CONTROL
       14.8     TP-PREPARE request
       14.9     TP-PREPARE indication
      14.10     TP-READY indication
      14.11     TP-COMMIT request
      14.12     TP-COMMIT indication
      14.13     TP-DONE request
      14.14     TP-COMMIT-COMPLETE indication
      14.15     TP-ROLLBACK request
      14.16     TP-ROLLBACK indication
      14.17     TP-ROLLBACK-COMPLETE indication
      14.18     Heuristic Reporting service – TP-HEURISTIC-REPORT indication
      14.19     TP-READ-ONLY request
      14.20     TP-READ-ONLY indication
      14.21     TP-EARLY-EXIT request
      14.22     TP-EARLY-EXIT indication
      14.23     TP-ONE-PHASE request
      14.24     TP-ONE-PHASE indication
      14.25     TP-UNKNOWN indication
      14.26     TP-UNKNOWN-COMPLETE indication
      14.27     TP-COMPLETION-REPORT indication
Annex A – Service state table
        A.1     Overview
        A.2     Dialogue states
        A.3     Variables
        A.4     Actions
        A.5     Node Crash
        A.6     Keys
        A.7     Blank intersections
        A.8     Node Contingency Table
        A.9     Service State Table
Annex B – Summary of changes to the third edition