1     Scope
 2     Normative references
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
 3     Definitions
 4     ODP IDL syntax and semantics
        4.1     Lexical conventions
        4.2     Preprocessing
        4.3     ODP IDL grammar
        4.4     ODP IDL specification
        4.5     Inheritance
        4.6     Constant declaration
        4.7     Type declaration
        4.8     Typecodes and Principals
        4.9     Exception declaration
       4.10     Operation declaration
       4.11     Attribute declaration
       4.12     CORBA module
       4.13     Names and scoping
       4.14     Differences from C++
Annex A – Reserved standard exceptions
        A.1     Object Non-Existence
        A.2     Transaction exceptions
Annex B – Typecode encoding in the CORBA specification