1     Scope
 2     Normative References
        2.1     Identical Recommendation | International Standards
        2.2     Other Specifications
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined in the ODP Reference Model: Foundations
        3.2    Terms defined in the ODP Reference Model: Architecture
        3.3     Definitions for protocol support for computational interactions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Conventions
 6     Overview
        6.1     General Interworking Framework
        6.2     Liaisons between channel objects
        6.3     Facilities of the GIF
        6.4     Computational operations and signals
        6.5     Encoding of computational information
 7     Interface references
 8     Service model
        8.1     Service primitives
        8.2     Associations
 9     Basic interworking facility
        9.1     Request
        9.2     Result
        9.3     Cancel
        9.4     Abort
        9.5     State table for the Basic Interworking Facility
10     Access facility
       10.1     Syntax-propose
       10.2     Syntax-advise
       10.3     Access-cancel
       10.4     Access-abort
       10.5     State table for the Access Facility
11     Location facility
       11.1     Location-query
       11.2     Location-advise
       11.3     Location-cancel
       11.4     Location-abort
       11.5     State table for the Location Facility
12     Association management facility
       12.1     Association-request
       12.2     Association-accept
       12.3     Association-reject
       12.4     Association-close
       12.5     Association-abort
       12.6     State table for the Association Management Facility
Annex  A  –  Mapping to CORBA GIOP and IIOP
        A.1     Introduction
        A.2     Conventions
        A.3     Generic Inter-Orb Protocol
        A.4     Mapping of parameters
        A.5     GIOP Message encoding
        A.6     Internet Inter-Orb Protocol
        A.7     Mapping of Association management primitives to TCP events
        A.8     Interface references
Annex  B  –  Outline of mapping to DCE-CIOP