1     Scope and field of application
 2     Normative References
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
 3     Definitions
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Overview
 6     Schema
        6.1     General
        6.2     Trader Entry
                  6.2.1     commonName
                  6.2.2     traderInterface
                  6.2.3     dsaName
                  6.2.4     typeRepos
                  6.2.5     defSearchCard
                  6.2.6     maxSearchCard
                  6.2.7     defMatchCard
                  6.2.8     maxMatchCard
                  6.2.9     defReturnCard
                 6.2.10     maxReturnCard
                 6.2.11     defHopCount
                 6.2.12     maxHopCount
                 6.2.13     defFollowPolicy
                 6.2.14     maxFollowPolicy
                 6.2.15     maxLinkFollowPolicy
                 6.2.16     supportsModifiableProperties
                 6.2.17     supportsDynamicProperties
                 6.2.18     supportsProxyOffers
                 6.2.19     maxList
                 6.2.20     requestIdStem
                 6.2.21     description
                 6.2.22     userPassword
                 6.2.23     Other X.500 attributes
        6.3     Trader Policy Entry
                  6.3.1     commonName
                  6.3.2     typeManagementConstraint
                  6.3.3     searchConstraint
                  6.3.4     offerAcceptanceConstraint
                  6.3.5     Other X.500 attributes
        6.4     Service Offer Entry
                  6.4.1     sOfferId
                  6.4.2     serviceInterfaceId
                  6.4.3     serviceTypeId
                  6.4.4     hasDynamicProperties
                  6.4.5     hasModifiableProperties
                  6.4.6     dynamicProps
                  6.4.7     Other X.500 attributes
        6.5     Trader Link Entry
                  6.5.1     linkName
                  6.5.2     linkId
                  6.5.3     targetTraderInterfaceId
                  6.5.4     defPassOnFollowRule
                  6.5.5     limitingFollowRule
                  6.5.6     Other X.500 attributes
        6.6     Proxy Offer Entry
                  6.6.1     proxyOfferId
                  6.6.2     proxyLookUpInterfaceId
                  6.6.3     constraintRecipe
                  6.6.4     ifMatchAll
                  6.6.5     Other X.500 attributes
        6.7     Other X.500 entries used by the T-DUA
 7     Operations
        7.1     Initialisation
        7.2     Client operations
        7.3     Register operations
                  7.3.1     Export
                  7.3.2     Withdraw
                  7.3.3     Modify
                  7.3.4     Describe
                  7.3.5     Withdraw with constraint
                  7.3.6     Resolve
        7.4     Look up operations
                  7.4.1     Query operation
                  7.4.2     Policies
                  7.4.3     Searching locally
                  7.4.4     Searching Federated Traders
                  7.4.5     Searching Proxy Offers
                  7.4.6     Service Offer returned
        7.5     Link operations
                  7.5.1     Add Link
                  7.5.2     Remove Link
                  7.5.3     Modify Link
                  7.5.4     Describe Link
                  7.5.5     List Links
        7.6     Proxy Offer operations
                  7.6.1     Export Proxy
                  7.6.2     Withdraw Proxy
                  7.6.3     Describe Proxy
        7.7     Trader Attribute Operations
        7.8     Administrative operations
                  7.8.1     List Offers
                  7.8.2     List Proxies
        7.9     Dynamic Property Evaluation operations
                  7.9.1     EvalDP
 8     Type Repository
        8.1     X.500 schema and the Minimal Type Repository
 9     Dynamic Properties
        9.1     Exporting a Service Offer
        9.2     Importing a Service Offer
Annex A – Trader definitions schema definition
Annex B – Sample service description schema definition