1     Scope
 2     Normative References
        2.1     Identical Recommendations | International Standards
        2.2     Specifications of the Object Management Group
 3     Definitions
        3.1     Terms defined in other International Standards
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation | International Standard
        3.3     Terms defined in the OMG Meta-Object Facility
 4     Abbreviations
 5     Overview and Motivation
        5.1     Type Repository
        5.2     Meta-Object Facility
 6     Enterprise Specification
        6.1     Objective
        6.2     Type Repository Community
                  6.2.1     Roles
                  6.2.2     Behaviour
                  6.2.3     Policies
        6.3     Federation
        6.4     Correspondences between enterprise specification concepts and the MOF
 7     Information Specification
        7.1     Correspondences between information viewpoint concepts and the MOF
 8     Computational Specification
        8.1     Correspondences between computational viewpoint concepts and the MOF
 9     Conformance Statements and Reference Points
Annex A – ODP Type Framework
        A.1     ODP-RM Type System
        A.2     Type System for ODP Trading Function
        A.3     Interface Reference and Binding Type System
Annex B – Suggested type languages
Annex C – Summary of Referenced Material in OMG Meta-Object Facility
        C.1     Problems arising through reference to the OMG Meta-Object Facility specification
        C.2     Relationship with the MOF specification