Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References   
 3     Terms and definitions               
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere
        3.2     Terms defined in this supplement 
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms  
 5     Conventions
 6     Overview of VoIP spam           
        6.1     General aspects
        6.2     Spam flow         
 7     Functional architecture for countering VoIP spam             
        7.1     Overall architecture         
        7.2     VoIP spam prevention system (VSPS)        
        7.3     VoIP spam prevention policy server (VSPPS)            
        7.4     RBL central system for VoIP spam prevention (VSP-RBL)   
        7.5     User-reputation system (URS)       
        7.6     Process for countering VoIP spam               
 8     RBL update procedures for countering VoIP spam            
        8.1     Global RBL update procedures    
        8.2     Local RBL update procedure        