Table of Contents

 1     Scope          
 2     References
 3     Definitions and abbreviations           
        3.1     Definitions    
        3.2     Abbreviations              
 4     Overview  
        4.1     Background  
        4.2     Structure       
 5     Information security policies             
 6     Organization of information security             
        6.1     Internal organization 
        6.2     Mobile devices and teleworking          
 7     Human resources security  
        7.1     Prior to employment
        7.2     During employment  
        7.3     Termination or change of employment            
 8     Asset management
        8.1     Responsibility for assets          
        8.2     Information classification        
        8.3     Media handling           
 9     Access control         
        9.1     Business requirement for access control           
        9.2     User access management       
        9.3     User responsibilities  
        9.4     Systems and application access control             
10     Cryptography         
11     Physical and environmental security            
       11.1     Security areas             
       11.2     Equipment   
12     Operations security             
       12.1     Operational procedures and responsibilities 
       12.2     Protection from malware      
       12.3     Back-up         
       12.4     Logging and monitoring          
       12.5     Control of operational software         
       12.6     Technical vulnerability management
       12.7     Information systems audit considerations      
13     Communication security    
       13.1     Network security management          
       13.2     Information transfer
14     Systems acquisition, development and maintenance            
       14.1     Security requirements of information systems             
       14.2     Security in development and support processes         
       14.3     Test data      
15     Supplier relationships         
       15.1     Information security in supplier relationships
       15.2     Supplier service delivery management            
16     Information security incident management
       16.1     Management of information security incidents and improvements     
17     Information security aspects of business continuity management   
       17.1     Information security continuity           
       17.2     Redundancies            
18     Compliance             
Appendix I – Telecommunications extended control set    